Ronez team up with local contractors to build a sensory room

When the Happy Hatchlings Nursery in Jersey wrote to local companies asking for donations for a project, it was hoped that they would raise enough money to buy a garden shed to turn into a simple sensory room.
But a group of contractors, including Ronez, offered them an even better opportunity, a brand new purpose-built sensory room. The children were able to watch the work being carried out and learn more about the different processes. Pictured is Ronez's Pump Operator, Nick Horman, showing a little chap how the machine works.
Emma Soley, Nursery Manager, said, "We have been so lucky to witness every stage of the development and we have also used it as a great topic for learning. The children wanted to wear hard hats and hi-vis jackets like the builders. We can't believe the kindness of so many people who have made, not only our dreams at the Happy Hatchlings Nursery come true, but also for our children."
She added that the nursery had a number of children attending with one-to-one support workers, including a little boy with autism, and having a specialised room with sensory equipment ensured that they had a place that they felt comfortable and a space to meet professionals when required. "The children are using it every day. Some of the children like to go in because it’s a quiet area whilst some just like to go in and play with all the lovely new sensory equipment", Emma said.
Paul Pinel, Ronez's Sales Manager, commented, "When we were first asked if Ronez could help, we said yes immediately. To see the children's reaction to the completed room has made it all worthwhile!"